I want to express my gratitude for considering me for your project. To proceed, you may forward your voiceover script using the form below, and provide any guidance you may have regarding the desired performance.
Please offer insights about the project to provide a contextual backdrop, including its runtime (30 sec, 1 min, 1 hr) and its intended use (TV, Corporate, Social Media etc).
If you prefer, you can also communicate this information via email at [email protected].
Voice Over Commercial Sample

Born in Chicago, Illinois, Angelo Miller grew up in Los Angeles, California.
As a youth, Angelo spent considerable time studying Shakespeare, acting, singing, poetry, and songwriting.
During his early twenties, he decided to make the most of his baritone voice by enrolling in voice acting courses and workshops in Hollywood, California.
Although his passion for becoming a voiceover artist was temporarily paused while pursuing a career in law enforcement, life has brought him back full circle.
Angelo has received formal training and mentoring from some of the most renowned and award-winning voiceover coaches in the business.
His smooth, resonant voice has been described as “like running your hand across expensive velvet.”
Angelo specializes in commercials, promos, documentaries, audio description, and corporate narration, and he was recently featured in The Top 100 Innovators & Entrepreneurs magazine.
Angelo is an artist in many genres, gifted with an amazing vocal instrument, and often burns the midnight oil to perfect his craft.
- Zoom
- Skype
- Facetime
- Google Chat
- Source Connect Pro
- Neumann TLM 103 microphone
- Rode NT1 4th Gen microphone
- Sennheiser MKH416 microphone
- DBX Harman 286s Processor
- Broadcast Quality Studio
- Focusrite Scarlett 2i2
- Adobe Audition DAW
- iZotope RX-10
- Deep
- Casual
- Baritone
- Believable
- Trustworthy
- Conversational
- From 24-48 hours
- Delivered to your audio specifications
- Reliable and easy to work with
Expert Editing
24/7 Availability
Flexible Scheduling
Real-Time Updates
Professional Quality

All submissions received will be kept strictly confidential.

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